Thursday, December 17, 2009

Talky Blog 10

Luke and Linc sing a duet!


  1. It is technically possible for you guys to do a live streaming video. You would need to subscribe to a streaming video service though. You guys don't want to pay money though, so it's like 30 dollars over your monthly budget. Some places have a free trial period though, so if you really wanted to go to the trouble, you could do the free trial, do your special live streaming event, and then close your account before they charge you.
    If you really wanted to.

  2. entertaining theme song...i especially like when talky blog became "talky the blog."
    you guys are doing secret santa for eachother? that's adorable.
    looking very suave and coordinated this week, i like it. dig the sweater, linc.
    screw pbr, you guys are classier anyway. dundee is a great choice, still rooting for nestle though :)
    what was the thought behind that random worship song? that was confusing.
    new years edition would be fun. looking forward to timmy and the christmas special!

  3. I'm going to follow this often. It's just great. 2 things. 1. Luke you are beginning to resemble a certain Youth Group Leader with a last name that rhymes with PETERSON. 2. at 6:36 I thought that Kailee's piercing was a LED spot going out on my will astound you. Haven't seen you all in a while. Would be nice to. Facebook me and I'll give you my new #

  4. I like the theme song.

    Could you include a part of your show where you answer fan emails?
    for example:
    what is going on in Canton right now?
    what is your favorite vacation destination?
    are you a cat or dog person?
    what is your advice to other newlyweds?

    I really like the philosophical angle of the show and how uplifting it is to watch. I will definitely be tuning in for future episodes.

  5. Michael, What's your last name?! and yes Kailee's light show is great.

    Nick, you can expect answers to some of your questions soon!

    Laura, thanks for being our producer and doing things to make my life easier.
