Thursday, December 3, 2009

Talky Blog Sette

The Winner of our contest is announced!!!!


  1. Did I hear a "pnuematic device" in there? I think that would be a good topic for a book: Jack Nicholson, Jack Nicklaus, and a pneumatic device. Actually that sounds kind of wrong...

  2. "Tease 'em."

    LOVE IT.

    You guys had a room full of people laughing really hard tonight. Also, the contest winner, Timothy Harmon Farrow, was in attendance and recieved a much-deserved round of applause at the announcement. Luke, a very professional letter to Pabst. Maybe you could go after the Nestle deal too...keep drinking the water, maybe your lovely wifey could bake up some delicious chocolate chip cookies...mmmm.

    Okay guys, we will work on adding to your followers here in the greater Lansing area. Perhaps telling people they will get to play with pneumatic devices will be a good recruiting tool...

  3. Linc who is this Brandon you speak of? Oh just a side idea.... You should have Dan on one day to rap the into to your show!

  4. You have 23 followers now!

  5. Pepper anne was good. recess was better... but hey Arnold was the best. Fact. In your next talky blog would you please discuss the pros and cons of widows peaks. Linc should be used as demonstration. Luke: you're super skinny in this blog... Eat something already.

  6. ...first annual TALKY BLOG CONTEST.
    that is not a complicated title Luke, haha.
    although next year i think i'll change the title to "first annual 'it had a title but we forget it' contest". much more catchy.

    congrats teem, on a big win!

    [also. thanks for the blog shout-out. yes i have one, no i haven't written since the beginning of november. nbd.]
