Thursday, December 10, 2009

Talky Blog åtta (Title is for Alyson)


  1. first off the internet did exist in 2001. Second guys this might have been the worst episode I have seen yet. You know im a big fan but I did not like this one. Sorry boys

  2. It was rough Mr. Reeves. We had to deal with a serious let down with the 'lost episode' only recording video with no sound. We had to get something up and this was all we could muster. Don't worry, sir. We will bounce back with a vengence.

  3. Well I hope so. I know you had a big hurdle to jump over. PS whats with no PBR this time?

  4. guys seem tired, like that awful feeling after writing a paper and then losing it. reeves is right, gotta stick with the PBR at least until you hear back from them! definitely missed the live audience, i know it will be hard to pull off every week but maybe stick with doing it after the vball games - that was golden!!!

    looking forward to next week...i believe in you, peter pan!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Also,

    Linc, a couple thoughts...I don't believe you actually think it was pathetic that you wrote your application essay on Dune. I think you are still proud of it. Exhibit A: I do believe you forgot to mention your several references to Science Fiction (and Dune specifically) in your welcome presentation at your current job at U of M Admissions. Don't be ashamed, Linc, just to play to the audience. You forget that some people watching this know you well enough to call you out ;)


    should i be surprised that Luke knows what a lozenge is? Because...I definitely am.

  7. Right. I was really shocked when he pulled that one out. I think that this kid might be smarter than he lets on. n And it's spelled neurolahjens. The word is actually partially derived from Persian.

  8. The PBR is there. you just have to be paying attention


  10. Oh I just saw the PBR. I am sorry Linc. I was wrong

  11. I also skipped class to come to the triffids performance. My favorite sci fi moment was when a kid in my class jumped out the second story window during class and just walked back around and into class. I don't think Mr. Cunningham ever noticed.
